In October 2019, Microsoft began trials for its cloud gaming streaming senice,Proiect xcloud. The senice, which runs games on remote servers, alows users toplay those games without dedicated hardware.
Although xcloud wil not run on a console,Microsoft has filed patents for new gaming controllers, leading some to believe that the company wilimminenthrelease new joypads to be used with non-Microsoft devices like iPads and smartphones.
Ahead of that potentialrelease, the gaming fanatics at Yanko Design created their own xcloud controlers based on the Microsot patents, industrial designerSarang sheth brought the two-part design to life with a visual concept and then gave 3Rp the exciting task of creating a physical prototype of the Xbox controllerWe were only too happy to oblige.
We fabricated the controler using a combination ot CNC miling, cNc turning and vacuum casting - processes we considered suitable for the complexty, scaleand unit quantity of the project.
The main body of the Xbox controller prototype, which comes in two halves so it can beclipped onto either side of a portable device, was CNc machined from ABs
To achieve a professional-quality finish, we then sanded and painted the two parts
The controller is designed to be as ergonomic as possible, so the rear side of thecontroller features a rubberized backplate. For this section, we used the process ofvacuum casting before adding aesthetic details using silk-screen printing.
The buttons and flippers will function as the controller's inputs, and for these smallcomponents we again turned to CNc machining. Unlike with the main body, we used ahigh-gloss paint for the buttons and flippers, resulting in an almost metallic finish.
For the flippers, we also added a grippy rubberlike coating by overmolding the plasticcomponents with vacuum casting.
The Xbox controller concept incorporates charging pins. For these components, we usedCNc turning to fabricate the rounded pins from brass.
We sent the finished prototype to Yanko Design not long after sheth sent us his digjital files, drawings and material requirements.
Just as we hoped, the designer was extremely happy with the physical version of his creation.
The bultons feel exactly the way they should, and the joystick is as inviting as the real deal" sheth says on Yanko Design, adding that the controler looksand feels "like a product right off the shelf."
I's not the first home entertainment proect we've completed at 3ERp, and it certainly won't be the last Getin touch for a fast quote on your prototype
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